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H. Pylori

H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) is a bacteria that causes ulcers by attacking the stomach lining, allowing your stomach acid to seep in and eat away at your gut lining. H. pylori is very common, but most people are asymptomatic and never realize they’ve been infected. I’s also very difficult to diagnose because it can generate secretions that create a “stealth” condition that “hides”it. As with so many other diseases, the products traditionally used to combat H. Pylori have their own issues. Omeprazole drugs like Nexium and Prevacid or even antibiotics may cause as many problems as they solve.

H. pylori is very common, but most people are asymptomatic and never realize they’ve been infected. I’s also very difficult to diagnose because it can generate secretions that create a “stealth” condition that “hides”it.

H Pylori bacteria in the stomache
various colorful vegetables for healthy eating habits

Use Natural Methods to Prevent H. Pylori

As with so many other diseases, the products traditionally used to combat H. Pylori have their own issues. Omeprazole drugs like Nexium and Prevacid or even antibiotics may cause as many problems as they solve.

Active Edge believes that the best way to combat, or better yet prevent, a “stealth”condition like H. Pylori is to eliminate problem items from your diet, add some healthy gut supplements and follow some simple steps.

We help our patients to find natural ways to deal with H. Pylori and other conditions through education, diet advice and supplements – as needed.

Start With the Right Nutrition

We proudly partner with Metagenics to bring you nutritional supplements that act as the first line of defense in the prevention and treatment of disease.

Invest In Your Health, Invest In Your Future


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