Resolve Neck & Back Pain
Whiplash associated with car accidents is a major cause of neck/back pain. According to the research, whiplash can happen in motor vehicle accidents as slow as 5 mph!
Whiplash symptoms can remain hidden for weeks after an accident, but studies have shown that the sooner you start chiropractic care after a motor vehicle accident, the better you will feel in the short term, and the fewer long-term symptoms you will experience.
At Active Edge Chiropractic our goal is to return your musculature and joint alignment back to, if not better than your pre-injury status. We address all aspects of your injuries simultaneously to return your muscular balance, joint motion, strength, and overall function.
Catch Threatening Injuries Early
Just because they didn’t diagnose it in the ER doesn’t mean it’s a not a problem.
It is important to remember that emergency room doctors are focused on ruling out fractures, bleeding, or other life threatening conditions and fail to fully access the soft tissue injuries and ensuing loss of function. And rightfully so. If those things aren’t caught early, they can be life threatening. So ER docs are great at making sure you live to see tomorrow. We’re here to make sure that the quality of life you have tomorrow and for the next 60 years is what you want it to be.
You insurance company may offer you an early settlement- Don’t take it.
Yes, this will put money in your pocket for immediate use, but it will not be enough to pay for your medical bills once you begin noticing pain and discomfort. Even if you’re not feeling pain, it’s important to get evaluated by a professional who regularly deals with soft tissue injuries to fully assess the extent of damage to your range of motion, tissue quality, and your function.

Common Whiplash Symptoms
It is common not to feel pain immediately after an accident. Though you may begin to experience discomfort more quickly, it can take up to a couple of weeks to begin noticing pain related to a car accident. The most common symptoms following a car accident are neck pain and headaches.








Get Started with a Full Body Evaluation
Chiropractic care consisting of adjusting, mobilizing, soft tissue repair and functional retaining helps return your body to its correct and comfortable position as quickly as possible.
Furthermore, targeted nutritional support helps accelerate healing of inflammation and soft tissues to decrease pain and restore function even more efficiently. Most importantly, addressing your collision in trauma this way reduces the likelihood that you will develop compensation patterns, thus prevent chronic pain and future recurrences.